Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Chp. 29 Study Guide

Chp. 29 Study Guide 


Problem definition-Business identifies a problem or research issue and the information that is necessary to solve it.
primary data- Data obtained for the first time and used specifically for the particular problem or issue under study.
secondary data-Already been collected for some purpose other than the current study.
survey method-Research technique in which information is gathered from people through the use of surveys.
sample-part of the target population that is assumed to represent the entire population.
observation method-research technique in which the actions of people are watched and recorded either by cameras or observations.
point-of-sale research- A powerful form of research that combines natural observation with personal interviews to get people to explain buying behavior.
experimental method- Researcher observes the results of changing one or more marketing variables while keeping certain other variables the same.
data analysis- Process of compiling,analyzing, and interpreting the results of primary and secondary data.
Validity- Questions asked measure what is intended to be measured.
Reliability-Research technique produces nearly identical results in repeated trials.
Open ended questions- Generate a wide variety of responses.
Forced choice questions- Simplest questions to write and easiest to tabulate.

Research Steps:

  • Defining the problem 
    • Problem Definition 
  • Obtaining Data 
    • Primary Data
    • Secondary Data 
  • Analyzing the data
    • Data Analysis 
  • Recommending Solutions to the Problem 
  • Applying the Results

Methods of collecting Data: 
  • Survey Method
    • Sample 
  • Observation Method
    • Point of Sale Research 
  • Experimental Method 

Marketing Survey:
Constructing- Needs Validity and Reliability 

Writing the Questions- Open ended and Forced question, forced questions are preferred.

Yes and NO
Multiple Choice 
Rating Scale Questions 

Basic Guidelines: 

Each question should be written clearly and briefly. Ranking or rating for all similar questions. It is important not to ask leading questions which suggest a correct answer. Avoid bias. No questions that make the respondent guess the meaning. 


Excellent visual appearance and include demographic questions.

Administrating the Questions- All surveys should have a deadline and a purpose to the survey, maybe conduct and interview after of why certain questions were answered a certain way.

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