Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Blog Research #1

Toy Hall of Fame

  1. Bubbles
  2. Silly Putty
  3. Twister
  4. Hula Hoop
  5. Slinky
Number one of my top five favorite toys (shown above) are bubbles. Bubbles are soap that you dunk a bubble wand into and blow through the bubble wand hole, the soap expands and traps the air in a bubble of soap. Children have had fun with bubbles for many years, blowing them and chasing them around to then pop them. My second choice for my favorite toy is Silly Putty. Silly Putty is a slimy, sticky material, that you can mold, squeeze and play with. The third game/toy on my list is twister, twister is a game that has four rows of colored dots, red, blue, yellow, and green. The person who spins the spinner sees where the arrow lands which will decide what color each opponent has to place their left or right, arm or leg. The fourth toy listed is a hula hoop. A hula hoop is a circular hoop that a person stands inside of and tries to spin around their hips. Lastly a slinky is one of my favorite toys. A slinky is a spring like object that "slinks" around. Some people play with them down the stairs and it falls from one step to the next. That is my "Toy Hall of Fame".

All these toy have significance to me. I have very fond memories of all these toys during my childhood. I remember blowing bubbles with my cousins and uncle, even sometimes "eating" the bubbles instead of popping them. With silly putty, I remember always asking my mom to get it for my siblings and I but she would only get in once in awhile because we would always get it stuck on the couch. Twister was always a fun game to play with my friends, especially at sleepovers. I remember with hula hoops, in school we would always have contests to see who could hula hoop the longest. Lastly I remember always trying to get the slinky to fall perfectly down my stairs. Those are my opinions and experiences with the items in my "Toy Hall of Fame".


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